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To say that 2022 was a good year for us would be quite an understatement. 2022 was the most exceptional year of ministry we have ever experienced. It was definitely an Ephesians 3:20 year. Here’s a snapshot:

  • Three Toyota Commuter Vans Purchased … paid in full and now serving our children and team.
  • Visiting Teams Came Back … after two years of Covid shutdown, Thailand welcomed the world back…and they came! We had several teams come; they blessed the children, staff, students and did some beautiful outreach with our team.
  • Schools Opened … and did not close! Two years of on and off “home schooling” for our 250+ children was getting old!
  • Biggest Bible School Graduation Ever … 43 Bachelors Degrees and 15 Associate Degrees were awarded. Most of the graduates are serving in full time ministry.
  • Water System and Computer Labs Upgraded … 25 new computers and a 70’ water tower was purchased and installed. Our children are able to learn vital computer skills and we have a fresh supply of clean water.
  • Surprise Land Purchase … we are still pinching ourselves on this one. We were not looking for land, but an opportunity presented itself and God moved mightily. We purchased a small resort valued at over one million dollars. It is paid for, the title deed is in our name. This will be home to our future Youth Camp and Bible Training facility.
  • We Dedicated our 233rd Church on December 18th … what a way to end the year! Fourteen churches total were dedicated in 2022, bringing our total church count to 233.
  • Lives Touched for the Glory of God … that’s what it is all about. People coming to Christ, people growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, lives being transformed, communities being changed. We have seen the glory of the Lord manifest this past year.
    “You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance… They shout for joy, they also sing. Praise to God for His Awesome Works.” Psalm 65:11,13

Thank you Jesus for a wonderful year … thank you partners for helping make that possible!

God Bless You Richly!

Charlie & Cathy

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