Contact Us

We Would Like To Meet You

Thank you for visiting our website. Hopefully, there is something that will interest you. We encourage you to get involved through financial support or even a visit to our work in Thailand. At LWMI, you can expect a friendly welcome from staff with hearts of gold and a passion to help those in need.

Mailing Address

PO Box 70000
Tucson AZ 85737

Physical Address

6890 N Camino Martin Suite120
Tucson AZ 85741


Your Name(Required)

People Linked With Purpose

The key to a fulfilling life is to discover purpose. LWMI is a place where people are linked with purpose. Whether it is through the sponsorship of a child, building a church or the funding a social development project; people and purpose are linked. LWMI has assisted thousands of children and adults providing them the opportunity to enjoy a successful fulfilling life.

Our Team

We are a dynamic team focused on making a better tomorrow for people of all ages, from all walks of life. This can only be accomplished by partnering with people like you. You may be our next-door neighbor or live across the globe. No matter the distance, there is always a way you can help us make a difference in people’s lives in Thailand. A surprise benefit of helping others is the fulfillment and joy you experience yourself. A wise sage once said, it is better to give than to receive.