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Greetings From Thailand …We trust that all is well your way. We finished July in style with 28 getting baptized after our Sunday morning service. Excitement was in the air as we celebrated together our union with Christ.

Buckle Up … We have had several teams visit us here this year with more scheduled. This has been a breath of fresh air after a 2+ year shutdown with no visitors. Short term teams and visiting ministers are vital to our work here.

Win – Win – Win Situation … Yea, that’s better than a win-win situation! Obviously, the teams that visit are a blessing to our students, staff and children as well as the communities we minister to. They are also a great blessing to our ministry as many projects and outreaches get funded and the Kingdom of God gets expanded. The third Win Situation is what happens in the hearts of those that visit us. They have invested their finances, their time and their skills with a goal to be a blessing to those they meet. And what a blessing they are! Yet, so many times we hear our visitors say, “I thought I was coming to be a blessing, but I think I got blessed even more.” It just doesn’t get much better than that … mission accomplished!


God Uses These Trips … Lives are touched here and back home. Through the years we have heard so many testimonies of how God moved in people’s lives through their mission trip to Thailand. So far this year our short-term visitors have funded and dedicated two churches, built two houses for widows, roofed a house for a poor village family and built toilets for two poor families; one a widow who lost her husband and her son in the last year. On top of that, they have supplied ice cream, pizza, goodies and gifts to our children at all three children home facilities as well as for our bible school students.


Is It Time For You To Get Out Of The Boat … It might be a trip to another nation or volunteering to help an outreach at your local church. Jesus told us to “Go.” Much of what we do here is Servant Evangelism. It is simply serving and blessing people less fortunate than ourselves. The joy that comes from this lifestyle is hard to explain. Sharing the love of Christ with others is a life enhancing endeavor that leads others to Christ. What is it God would like you to do? If He is not sending you, maybe He wants you to send someone else. Possibly a young person trying to raise money for a mission trip. Or, funding a project that others will complete. Whatever God has for you, it is important to the growth and expansion of God’s Kingdom in the earth.

Thank you for your part in this ministry. God’s Kingdom continues to expand in Thailand through
our combined effort. It is truly an honor and privilege to represent you in foreign missions.

God Bless You Richly!

Charlie & Cathy

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