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Greetings From Thailand …We trust that all is well your way. Normally our partner letters go out on the first of the month. But this week we ran into a problem that requires immediate attention. It is not our habit to put
out “Urgent Need” letters, but this one is needed.

Here Is What Happened … Sunday morning, August 13th, we woke up to no water at our main property. A temporary connection was made to draw water from a fish pond. Monday morning, we called a well drilling company to check on the problem. Mr. Chaleum, the owner, made it here today, Wednesday August 16th . No water in well #1 and well #2 running low.

The Problem Was … Our wells were drilled to 150’ and 260’ respectively. Mr. Chaleum explained that we were only accessing water above the bedrock and we needed to drill through the bedrock. I have known this to be a problem for quite some time, but I could not find a company that would go through the rock.

Mr. Chaleum was a Godsend … We met this man when we drilled the two wells at the youth camp property earlier this year. Mr. Chaleum was the head of the Chiangmai Provincial Water Department for many years until he retired. He has the government charts and data for water throughout the province we live in. And…he has top of the line, state of the art well drilling equipment that can go deep regardless of rock.


He Did an Electrical Analysis of Our Property Today … Not sure what that really means, but Mr.Chaleum had wires running everywhere attached to some kind of machine that was connected to a computer. He has advised that we need to go 430’ – 500’ to hit the main water reservoir under the bedrock.


I Gave Him the Greenlight … He found abundant sources of water on our youth camp property. We were told by the locals that finding water would be a problem. Mr. Chaleum laughed that off and gave us two water gushing wells. I trust this guy and he likes what we are doing to help children.

Drilling Will Begin Friday This Week, August 18th… The two deep wells we are contracting will average $8000 each. $16,000 total. We don’t have money to pay for this, but nearly 200 people live on this
property. We have no choice but to get the wells drilled.

Thanks for helping us get this project finished. We have set up a Well Drilling designation at our website donation page. Checks can be sent to the Tucson office address.

God Bless You Richly!

Charlie & Cathy

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