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Have you ever taken a vehicle for a test drive? If so, you probably put the pedal to the metal to see
what it was capable of. The last two years, many believers took the Gospel for a test drive. How did it
handle? Did it pass the test? Our faith is perfected in the crucible of adversity. You want a
testimony? You have to have some test. The last two years provided that.

A New Beginning … I sense a new beginning; a fresh start is upon us here in Thailand. The night has
passed and a new day is dawning. Truthfully, the “night” was pretty exciting. I think we accomplished
more for the Kingdom of God the last two years than possibly any other period of time. I’m one of
those odd balls that thrives on adversity. I have come to realize there is always an opportunity in
every challenge. The last two years provided many challenges and opportunities.

Thailand Is Opening … Covid restrictions are dropping fast, caseloads are down and a nation is
ready for a fresh start. We haven’t had visitors in Thailand for over two years now; we have five
teams scheduled to visit this year. Schools have pretty much been shut down for two years; our kids
are going back to school this month. We are looking forward to an amazing year.

A Peak In The Rear View Mirror … Our team accomplished the seemingly impossible the last
twelve months.

  • 360 metric tons of rice fed upwards of 70,000 IDPs in the war zone in Burma (internally
    displaced people)
  • 15 new churches were built and dedicated
  • 250+ children were basically “home schooled” by our staff at our three children’s home
  • Three brand new Toyota vans were purchased debt free
  • We are getting close to having the Water Tower and Computer Lab Upgrade projects paid for

We put the Gospel to the test and the Gospel came through just fine! God is Good and His Word is

Strength of Partnership … We are so thankful for our partners; you helped make all this possible.
Many have faced extreme difficulties of their own, but have overcome. This is a testimony to the
goodness and faithfulness of our God. From the bottom of our heart, we thank you for your part in this
ministry. Together we are accomplishing mighty things. “The people who know their God shall be
strong and carry out great exploits.” Daniel 11:32

God Bless You Richly…
Charlie & Cathy

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