Trusting you are doing well. With all that is going on these days, I’m beginning to feel like a NASCAR driver circling the track at a crazy high speed. Things go smooth for several laps, then someone up ahead spins out and the race gets real…dodging the flying debris, seeking a safe track through the chaos up ahead. Thank God we have four good tires, a tank full of gas and the engine is humming. Welcome to the Fast Lane 2022.
Vision Communicator … We have highlighted the vision of LWMI below. It’s super simple and hasn’t changed much in years. Yet, that simplicity and clarity has enabled us to accomplish amazing results that have touched the lives of tens of thousands of people. “Write the vision and make it plain, that he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2 We thank you for running with us. It’s been quite a journey…going on 36 years now. Together we are making a massive impact in this nation and in the lives of multitudes.
LWMI VisionSustainability For Future Growth … In an effort to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us, we have launched several projects to increase sustainability. The results have been wonderful and have enabled us to better use our funding to reach even more people.
In A Nutshell … We are producing 100% of our protein needs for the almost 400 people on four compounds that we feed daily. We are ramping up the production of fruits and vegetables as well, providing pesticide free produce for our students, staff and children. Our electricity costs have been reduced significantly as we have put the hot tropical sun to work energizing our solar panels. Economic development projects, especially coffee cultivation in the highlands, is helping over 500 rural families enjoy a higher standard of living. It has also produced another stream of income to support the ongoing work in this nation. “Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24:3-4
Help Spread the Word … Mai Thai Coffee has empowered over 500 rural families to escape poverty and better provide for their families. It has also provided a stream of income for the ministry in Thailand by donating 10% of all sales to the work in Thailand. The code LWMI can be used by anyone for all future purchases. You can help us by sharing the word with friends and acquaintances. We offer a complete line of coffee products, a variety of roast and flavors available in 8 oz, 14 oz, 5 lb, K-Cup and frac pacs; retail and wholesale. Our son Jason runs the coffee company in Tucson; roasting and processing all orders. He will take good care of you!
We Work Hard To Be Good Stewards… We of course rely on the faithful giving of our partners. There is no way we could have accomplished what we have without your faithfulness. It has been a partnership that has brought the success we have witnessed together. We don’t take that partnership for granted. We wanted you to know that we are continually working on new strategies to reach more people and to do it as efficiently as we can. It has really blessed me to see our team here in Thailand take ownership of the various projects. It has added value to them and caused their self-esteem to soar. We have a great team…thank you for your part on that team!
God Bless You Richly…
Charlie & Cathy