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It’s a done deal … we have water and plenty of it. Two wells have been successfully drilled and now produce an abundance of water. Both wells were drilled a bit over 430’ deep. We hit a gusher!

When It Rains It Pours … We have had a flurry of maintenance issues since our wells went dry back in August. It’s almost like these projects talk to each other and decide to go on strike together.

  • The Roof on our Three-Story Dormitory had leaks which required a crane to fix
  • A Large Dorm at the Bible School property needed painting, but ended up needing 25 years of paint scraped off first
  • Walkways at our New Property were re-done to eliminate the dirt and debris that covered them after every heavy rain. 1900 feet of border edging installed and stuccoed
  • Our 250 KVA Step-Down Transformer was the latest casualty. It began leaking oil, which required a maintenance check. The engineer told us we were lucky it had not exploded as it had considerable internal problems. We are renting a temporary unit and have a new unit on order.

He Is El Shaddai … Through the generosity of our partners, most of these projects have been wrapped up and paid for. We made a 40% deposit on the 250 KVA transformer. Final payment on that is due later this month.

How’s Your Spiritual Maintenance … So blessed to have recently baptized 29 young believers. A grand ceremony where we sang, “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus.” Young, fresh, excited people who gave their hearts to the Lord. Got me thinking about all of our “maintenance projects.” Every one of the projects that needed attention were “nice and new” at one time. But as time passed … life happened and now they needed some attention. Kind of like us. Our spiritual life needs ongoing maintenance to keep us strong and healthy. A verse so simple and yet so profoundly powerful is James 4:7-8. “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” The world around us has gotten hectic and at times seems to be spinning out of control. Jesus is the Rock of our Salvation … Stay Strong in Him.

Thank you for your part in this ministry. Together we are accomplishing some awesome things. Multitudes of lives are being touched. We sincerely appreciate the privilege of representing you in foreign missions.

God Bless You Richly!

Charlie & Cathy

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