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It is outreach time in Thailand. More people will come to Christ in December and January than the rest of the year combined.

Christ Is Being Lifted Up … Songs about Jesus will be playing non-stop in malls and shopping centers across the country. We’re not talking about Jingle Bells and Frosty the Snowman, but rather deeply spiritual songs that share the revelation of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world. I don’t think the mall owners know what they are playing, but Jesus Christ is being lifted up. The Church nationwide will orchestrate tens of thousands of outreaches this month. Public schools invite Christians in to share the Christmas Story. This “Buddhist” nation is opening to the Gospel.

We Just Keep Loving Them In … Years ago we discovered that Servant Evangelism is the most effective tool for reaching the lost in Thailand. We cut hair, paint nails, fix motorcycles, build toilets, build houses for widows, etc. etc.. All the time smiling and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and His unconditional love for mankind.

God Is Moving In Asia … This stuff doesn’t make the news … good news rarely does. There is an army of unsung heroes that labor tirelessly to expand the Kingdom of God in the Nations of Asia. Their names will never make the magazines, websites or publications; most don’t even speak English. However, the Gospel is being preached in Word and in deed and souls are coming into the Kingdom of God in great numbers.

LWMI Outreaches … We have major outreaches scheduled through December and January. Our Evangelism Team, our Bible School Students, our Youth Group, and our Staff will be conducting outreaches. We anticipate a great move of God and many lives touched for the Glory of God.

Thank You For Your Part To Help Make It Happen … The Gospel is free, but it takes resources to get it out. Your faithfulness enables us to continue to reach the lost for Christ. Let us not forget the “Reason for the Season” … God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that we could have life.

It is truly our honor to represent you in world missions’ outreach…
God Bless You Richly!
Charlie & Cathy

PS: We have included a flyer highlighting our Year End Projects. Thank you for considering a special gift
to help us wrap up these projects.

View Year End Project


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