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The last three months we have shared wonderful reports of outreach. Thousands of lives are being reached and many are opening their hearts to salvation through Jesus Christ. Proverbs 11:30 says, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.” Souls are being won and the Kingdom of God is expanding. Thank you so much for helping make this happen!

Youth Camp – Conference Center Property … Permits were approved for the Water Storage and Filtration System as well as the Soccer Field construction. Both projects are funded and will be wrapped up soon. We have brought in 250 dump truck loads of top soil as the native soil would not support a sodded field. A cement border will surround the perimeter of the field; that work has begun and will be finished in two weeks. Then the grader will come in and grade the field with a crown for drainage. Next Step…blow the whistle as the games begin!


We Need Some Help … We have two projects that concern the safety and wellbeing of the children when at the camp. The pond is a beautiful centerpiece with cottages around the edge. However, the bank is very steep and close to the accommodations. This poses a major safety challenge, especially during rainy season when things are slippery. This will require a 470-foot retaining wall with fence around the perimeter of the unprotected part of the pond. The second project is a wall along the frontage of our property. Currently there is no protection along the road frontage; people, dogs and cows can wander in randomly. We need to construct a 367-foot privacy wall. This is slightly longer than what I previously reported, but we decided to extend another 20 feet at each end, going down the side of the property.

  • 470-foot Retaining Wall with Fence          $17,500
  • 367-foot Security Wall along Frontage      $13,300

The Rest of The Story … Our Bible School wrapped up another year of study. Students are serving in various capacities as interns at churches and ministries. Second-year students will graduate on May 18 th , while the first-year students will begin their second year of studies in May.

More Good News Hot Off the Press … March 31 st we dedicated our 249 th church project in Thailand. On any given weekend upwards of 50,000 people will attend these churches. Glory to God!

God Bless!

Charlie & Cathy

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