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Greetings in the Mighty Name of Jesus. What a glorious Lord we serve. His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. That is a great comfort that brings peace that surpasses our understanding. The daily news feed is quite grim these days, but the promises of God’s Word shine brighter and brighter. Let us hold fast to our faith, for we are more than conquerors through Him that loves us and gave His life for us.

Another Milestone … April 14 th we dedicated our 250 th church built in Thailand. Glory to God!!! It’s a testament to the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:18, “On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Of course, Jesus was talking about His Church, the Body of Christ. Those 250 church buildings house upwards of 50,000 followers of Jesus. The Church is triumphant in the earth…Jesus Christ is Lord.

You Can Help … Our church planting program went on steroids when we partnered with ICM. In a nutshell, we need to raise $5000 to launch a new church project. ICM will double match that gift. Then we require the local congregation to get skin in the game by raising funds and providing the grunt work for the construction project. We call that sweat equity. Then God moves… we put what we have in His hands, and He begins to show out. The congregation witnesses the grace and provision of God. The construction project is a joyful event where the community works hard with a common goal to build a church for the glory of God.

The Callused Hands Tell The Story … At a dedication, I like to call up a local member and praise them for building the church. They always look a bit confused, not understanding what I am getting at. Then I take their hands, feel the calluses, and share with the congregation that these callused hands built the church. Their labor of love and the giving of Christian brothers and sisters around the world made this church project possible. It’s a team effort.

We Are Already Tackling The Next 250 Churches … We have 15 new projects under consideration; some have already begun construction. Perhaps you could help with a special gift to help with this years projects. We already have six of these projects funded. We still have nine projects needing to be funded.

It continues to be an honor to represent you in foreign missions … we don’t take that lightly. Thank you for your part in this ministry.

God Bless!

Charlie & Cathy

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