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This is the month I have been looking for! We have submitted our visa applications, and everything “should” be approved this month for our return to Thailand. Because we couldn’t travel, our visas expired June of last year. Due to Covid precautions, Thailand put restrictions on entries, which included the visa class that allows us to live and work in Thailand. That restriction is still in place, but they have agreed to now look at applications on a case-by-case basis. We are believing that due to our longevity in Thailand and the Grace and Favor of God, our applications will be approved!

Great News … All three of the solar projects that we shared with you have been fully funded. This was an Ephesian 3:20 situation where God did exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask of think! The actual installation is still ongoing. The main facility should be finished next week. The Ban Den facility will be next and then finally the Mae La Noi facility. Ironically, the tropical sun that beats down so relentlessly will begin to pay for the operation of the air conditioners that keep us cool…lol

More Good News … It was a wild ride for our 600+ children this past year due to Covid. Classes were cancelled for a couple months, run virtually for periods and in class studies for part of the time. Through it all, the summer break the kids typically enjoy was reduced to a short break to make up the missed class time. Despite the challenges, the kids will finish their school year this month. A short break and then they will begin classes for the new year in May. To the glory of God, not a single child or any of our staff and family members have gotten Covid.

The Best News … I am writing this letter early Monday. Yesterday morning we celebrated Easter. Without a doubt the resurrection of Jesus Christ is hands down the greatest news ever for mankind. He is risen and because of that we have a hope and a future. The world may seem to be spinning out of control, but Jesus Christ is Lord and everything is gonna’ be alright!

Our Neighbors in Burma (Myanmar) are Suffering Greatly… A landslide election was overruled by the military who took control of the government and is harshly ruling the people. Mass demonstrations have been going on for over two months. Nearly 600 people including children have been brutally murdered. Villages are being bombed along the Thai-Burma border and we have another refugee crisis. We are reaching out to the thousands of people who are fleeing the danger in Burma. They are scattered along the Thai-Burma border, living in the jungle, along streams and in caves.

People had to flee their villages that were being bombed and burned. Most fled with little, just what they could carry. Babies and children are covered with mosquito bites and most adults have many cuts, scrapes and open wounds needing antibiotic ointment. Our kit contains food, supplies and these basic medications along with diarrhea medicine as many are experiencing dehydration due to diarrhea.

We have put together a relief package which consist of food, basic medicines, a tarp for temporary shelter, mosquito net, solar powered flashlight, and other basic necessities. Each package will care for five people at a cost of $50/package. It is designed to care for a family of five for one week until they can find refuge in a friendly village along the border or get to a refugee camp location. Breaks down to $10/person.

If you would like to help us with this humanitarian relief project, please designate your gift Burma Relief. You can send a check or go to our website to donate.

Together we can make a difference…

Charlie and Cathy

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