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So excited to share this month’s report with you. We are seeing God move in the Nation of Thailand.

The Lions Are Roaring … The prophet Joel declared, “Proclaim this to the nations: Prepare for war. Wake up the mighty men … Put in the sickle for the harvest is ripe.” A fire has been kindled in the hearts of the youth in Thailand … the Lions are Roaring! We are seeing teens and twenty somethings excited about Jesus and hungry to share their faith.

The Backstory … It started 37 years ago when two 17-year-old graduates of ours prayed for a woman that had been crippled for 14 years and was instantly healed. A village came to Christ, a church was built and a wildfire spread. Note: This lady is still healed and attends the church we built at Dulapur Village.

A Bright Future … We’ve built 243 churches since that notable miracle launched our ministry in Thailand. Post Covid, we have been seeing that same fire and hunger in our youth and bible school students. They are hungry for the Word and excited to share their faith. Last month over twenty communities were reached as our bible school students conducted one month of practical field ministry. The Fire is Growing and the Lions are Roaring! Two major outreaches are scheduled before the end of the year at Bawakee Village and Huey Tong Village. Our Evangelism Team has made inroads to these previously unreached villages and now our Youth and Bible School Students will conduct outreaches there.

Facilitate the Vision … One year ago, we were blessed to purchase a small resort on 8 acres of land. It was a gift from heaven and a total surprise to us. We were not looking for land, but an opportunity came to us, we shared with our partners and a miracle happened. Land was purchased debt free. The question was … “God, what is the vision for this property?” The answer was … “A Youth Camp and Conference Center.” Note: There are currently no facilities owned by the Body of Christ for Youth Camp outreaches. We have close relationships with several denominations and churches in nearly a thousand communities. Our Youth Camp/Conference Center will be a blessing to the Body of Christ. Literally thousands of youth will benefit from this project.

Year End Project … Since we purchased the property, we have been building the infrastructure for our vision; commercial electric has been brought in, two deep wells were drilled, the property has been excavated to plan and roads and parking areas have been developed and paved. Next Step is to finish the water project and put in a soccer field with running track. See picture below for details.

Thank You for Your Part … The move of God we are experiencing, the beautiful property we are developing, the 243 churches we have built and the thousands of disciples we have trained and continue to train, would not be possible without our wonderful partners. Thank you for all you do to make this ministry a success.

God Bless You Richly!
Charlie & Cathy

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