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This may be an old cliche’ … Team Work Makes the Dream Work … but we saw it in action the last two months. We hosted short term mission’s teams from five different organizations; a total of 78 team members made the journey to Thailand to do something for God.

Schools Open to Gospel … Teams made visits to three different schools. Amazingly, here in a predominantly Buddhist Nation, we can share the love of Christ with students at public schools. The teams did a great job … God is on the move.

Villages Come to Christ Through Servant Evangelism … We systematically use visiting teams to tackle projects in villages. Among other things, they build toilets, build houses for widows, install water purification systems, do landscape beautification, and provide solar panels with storage batteries to bring light to communities without electricity. The results are villagers opening their hearts to Jesus Christ. Many villages have come to Christ through these outreaches. Theodore Roosevelt said it like this … People Don’t Care How Much You Know Until They Know How Much You Care. We would be wise to heed this valuable wisdom when sharing the Gospel.

When the Going Gets Tough … It’s rainy season in Thailand. That means roads into some villages are not even passable. Our teams take it in stride, hopping on the back of 4-wheel drive trucks as they slip and slide (and get stuck) making their way up the mountain roads. Sometimes the trucks can’t make it all the way to the village and the team members have to trek in. I have to laugh when I ask teams what was the highlight of their trip … many times it was the difficult village adventures. It’s good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes.

Team Member with No Arms or Legs Make Journey to Remote Village … One of the visiting team members was born with no arms or legs. In spite of her handicap, she is conquering life. She attends a Christian University and loves serving God. She came to Thailand ready to serve where she could. On the schedule was a trip to a remote village that required trekking to get to as the roads were impassible in rainy season. God made a way as villagers carried her in on a bamboo pole with a makeshift hammock. What an example this young lady is … going into all the world to share the love of Christ and His Gospel. Has anyone run out of excuses yet…

That’s all we have room for this month … thank you for the privilege to represent you in foreign missions. Together we are making a difference…

God Bless You Richly!
Charlie & Cathy

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