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This past month has been exciting … started with our annual staff meeting, then a new school year for our 600 children, and finally our Bible School Graduation on May 18th.

A Lot of Proud Mom’s and Dad’s …
Over 400 people attended our Bible School Graduation. Mom’s, Dad’s, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends and family came to celebrate their graduate’s special day. Cathy and I posed and smiled for so many pictures, I think our faces nearly locked in smile mode! It was a glorious day that wrapped up with a beautiful buffet meal for everyone.

No Time Wasted Here …
The majority of our graduates step right into full time service for the Lord. Their lives have been transformed by the Word of God and they are eager to serve. Our primary call has been to raise up Christian leaders. For the last 38 years, the Bible School has been the backbone of our ministry. Our staff of over 80 are all graduates of our school. Many churches and Christian organizations source employees from our graduate pool. It has been an honor to be an integral part of the move of God in Thailand for nearly four decades.

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree … Our son Jeremy oversees the Bible School Department. He has done a great job building a team that is tapping the Next Generation; stirring a passion for Christ. He talks their language! Another apple falling by the tree was our graduates Pichayut & his wife Suchada. Pichayut’s mother and father graduated from our Bible School shortly after they got married 25+ years ago. They went on to plant a church and raise a family. Being wise parents, they sent their son and his wife to bible school. The flame passes to the next generation!

Urgent Need at the Bible School … We maxed out our electric meter at the bible school property. We had the highest amperage meter available, but it was overloaded. We have to switch off the local grid and tap the 22,000 high voltage source. That requires a 50 KVA step-down transformer. The new system will cost a total of $15,800. We have ordered the system as it needs to be installed asap. We don’t have the funds; we could really use some help with this one.

Thanks again for the blessing you have been to our family and ministry. We are honored to represent you in foreign missions.

Charlie & Cathy

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