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Here we go roaring into a brand-new year. I love new years and new seasons. The freshness and potential excite me; 2024 is already unfolding in a beautiful way.

Honored To Be the Commencement Speaker … A facet of our ministry, that we don’t share much about, is our outreach into surrounding nations. We keep it quiet because it targets the underground and persecuted Church. Here is a glimpse of what’s been happening.

500,000 Receive Christ … That’s an astounding number, especially when you consider it was done through short wave radio. Pairote, one of our graduates from 1987, is the voice to the Hmong people across Asia. The Hmong are a people group numbering nearly 5 million people. They are found in China, Vietnam, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Pairote records audio teachings which are broadcast across Asia via shortwave.

Persecuted, Beaten and Jailed, They Keep Preaching … In 1986, the first Hmong convert in Vietnam came to Christ through the radio broadcast. This precious man attended the graduation ceremony this month. He shared with me how he began listening to the teachings on the radio and would record them on a cassette tape and listen to them over and over. Not long after, he accepted Christ and began to share his testimony. He was arrested, beaten and jailed for two years. He shared how he was shocked when he was finally released from prison as thousands of Hmong people had converted to Christianity while he was locked away. Through the Far Eastern Broadcast Company, over 400,000 Hmong have come to Christ in Vietnam alone. Tens of thousands more in Laos, Burma and Thailand. The exact number in China is unknown, but would be a very large number.

Heroes of the Faith … Pairote was only 16 years old when he came to study with us in 1987. He grew quickly in his faith and eventually became the voice to the Hmong people in Asia. A few years ago, Pairote invited me to speak to his students at his bible school. That evening as he and his wife were walking me to my truck, I noticed a tent pitched next to his house. I commented about “pitching tents so more students could come.” Pairote answered, “The tent is not for students…my wife and I have lived in that tent for two years so we could get more students in the house.” I drove away with tears in my eyes…

One Generation Brings Extraordinary Change … We are closing in on 40 years of ministry in Asia; one generation by biblical standard. Christianity has exploded in Asia over the last 40 years. A tremendous foundation has been laid; we are so excited to be here fueling the spread of the Gospel going forward. What will the next 40 years produce…only God knows!

Thanks for Helping Us Reach Asia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Charlie & Cathy

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